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COcyber General Assembly 2 – Welcome to Four New Partners Joining the Project

Fri, 01/31/2025 - 06:37
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The COCyber consortium gathered for its second general assembly in Brussels on January, 16th, 2025. Running since July 2024, COcyber aims to strengthen the collaboration across civilian and defense cybersecurity sectors notably by building an engaged community of stakeholders, offering multiple stakeholder events across Europe, and releasing policy recommendations and research papers. 

This meeting was dedicated to discussing the initial results from the last project months, including notably the COcyber platform ( , the PESTEL analysis of the dual-use cybersecurity sector (to be released soon) and the implementation of the needs assessment study, which gathers the initial stakeholders’ insights via focus groups, interviews and an online survey. Also, the next significant steps were discussed as partners plan to launch the COcyber digital and on-site event series and are working on a public data toolkit for the COcyber platform. 

The project team welcomes four new partners fostering the geographical representation of the consortium and bringing onboard their expertise in collaboration and engagement for digital innovation. These partners are:

  • Asociacion Multisectorial de Empresas de la Electronica, Las Tecnologias de la Informacion y la Comunicacion, de las Tele AMETIC, Spain
  • Informatikai, Tavkozlesi Es Elektronikai Vallalkozasok Szovetsege IVSZ, Hungary
  • Asociacija Infobalt - Infobalt, Lithuania
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia - CCIS, Slovenia



Together, even stronger, the COcyber community will bridge the gap between civilian and defense cybersecurity sectors. 

Thank you, Solvay Business School colleagues, for your excellent hosting! 

Don’t miss any updates or opportunities, follow COcyber on social media LinkedIn and BlueSky.